Aviation Fuel Storage Protection

Protecting RAF Aviation Fuel Storage Tanks An underground fuel storage tank at an RAF site in the UK site was designated to be internally renovated and have a new double-skin liner installed as the previous one had failed. The 10,000-litre capacity tank stores...

Why is tank lining important?

Over the years we have gained vast knowledge and experience lining and repairing storage tanks of all different shapes and sizes. Above ground, underground, some in good condition, some in bad condition, and many in VERY bad condition. One thing is clear from our time...

Celebrating 25 years of Abfad!

This year marks a fantastic milestone for Abfad Limited; we celebrate 25 years of providing our services to industry and we’d like to thank all of our clients, many of which have been with us since our early years. Abfad: The Early Years Formed in 1996 by directors...

Battling Biofuel Bacteria Corrosion

Biofuel Bacteria Corrosion in Storage Tanks Over the year’s biofuels have been gaining increased public and scientific attention, driven by factors such as oil prices, the need for increased energy security and the concern around fossil fuels and global warming. Their...

Preparing a Storage Tank for Coating

An important factor to consider when applying a coating for storage tank lining, before any product is even sprayed, is the preparation of the steel. When applying solvent-free coatings this is especially important. For a coating to perform to expectations and avoid...