Fibreglass storage tanks, like steel tanks, can also become damaged and need repairs and coating.
We know having a storage tank out of action is costly for our clients and getting the tank back in service quickly is important. Our process to get this kind of tank repaired and back in operation is fast and effective and we keep tank downtime to an absolute minimum.
We completed a fibreglass tank repair on a forecourt site in Durham which highlights how effective Fuelvac® double skin liner is for these type of storage tanks. The storage tank had become damaged over time and was leaking severely.
Objectives of the project
Fibreglass construction fuel storage tank leaking in several places, unable to hold fuel anymore.
Abfads role was to repair and refurbish storage tank back to operational standard and return to service with minimal downtime.
Solutions for a leaking storage tank
Our process for repair was fast and effective and the storage tank was back in service with all work completed on schedule and with minimum tank downtime.
1. Repaired the leaking tank with fibreglass sheeting and resin.
2. Applied a double-skin system with class 1 vacuum monitoring enabling the operator to have 24/7 monitoring of the tank.
3. Installed anchor pads onto the deck head and around the dome ends of the tank for added strength to the newly installed materials.
4. Over-coated the whole tank with a fuel-resistant coating to prevent further leaks and improve durability.
Benefits to the client
Cost Effective Tank Repair
The storage tank was fully repaired and all leaking areas were reinforced with fibreglass sheeting and anchor pads to ensure future structural integrity.
Minimum Tank Downtime
Project was completed on schedule and storage tank was back in operation and storing fuel.