Since 1996 Abfad Ltd have provided a wealth of services to industry. We always look to solve well known industry problems. From single and double skin tank lining to industrial rope access, confined space rescue and rope rescue. We even sell our own magnet system for use with rope access.
Solving industry problems
We’re always developing new methods and techniques to make industry processes easier. Bringing much-needed solutions to industry problems. For instance, PIPEVAC®, which provides pipeline corrosion protection and monitoring.
Alongside this, we’ve also created a Weld Seam Monitoring system. This acts as an early warning system against catastrophic failures from weld stress fractures, fatigue and cyclic loading.
Take a look at the slideshow below for ‘The Ultimate Guide to Abfad’s Services’. As well as a look at some very interesting and unique projects we’ve worked on over the years.