Yeoman Bridge
Protecting From Severe CorrosionProject Information
The project took place whilst the Yeoman Bridge was docked at Lisnave shipyard in Portugal. Abfad’s specialist coating expertise was called on to protect the Yeoman Bridge’s cargo holds from further deterioration suffered from coal and granite loadings. Coal contains sulpher, which had caused severe corrosion whilst in contact with the ships steel-work.
All of the ships steel corrugated bulkheads were blasted to SA2.5 standard, after this blast clean the extent of the corrosion was clear and the steel of the cargo hold was heavily pitted due to the corrosion.
After all steel in the cargo holds was blasted, the solution to the corrosion problem was to coat the cargo holds and ladder sections with a fast set polyurethane which could be sprayed in one single application of up to 3mm (3,000 microns), thereby saving valuable time in dock. The resin was applied using a specialist plural component heated spray pump and completely encapsulated the steel providing a barrier for future granite loadings.
Paint thickness measurements were taken 9 months later, after many loadings and unloadings of granite, and showed little or no wear of the solvent free resin, ensuring that the ship remained fully protected from further corrosion.
Work consisted of:
1. Blasting clean the steel bulkheads to SA2.5 standard.
2. Single application of fast set polyurethane to a thickness of 3mm (3,000 microns)
3. Paint thickness checks taken 9 months later to ensure protection from corrosion remained.